hfp Impact Manager - Sustainability Management and Reporting

The all-in-one software solution for ESG, EU taxonomy and CSRD

Successful sustainability reporting with the hfp Impact Manager!

At hfp, we understand that sustainability reporting is far more than a formal obligation; it is a crucial bridge to your stakeholders. In a world where consumers and investors are increasingly conscious of their actions, we help your company build trust and credibility through transparent, standards-compliant reporting. Our expertise not only ensures compliance with international reporting standards, but also enables you to make strategic decisions for sustainable business development through insightful analysis. Our target and impact-oriented management method enables precise planning and comprehensive consideration of all process details. From monitoring progress to integrating all relevant departments - our method allows you to maintain an overview at all times. The continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of your measures in real time ensures seamless and intuitive recording, visualizes goals and results directly in the browser and offers immediate, professionally prepared reports. Discover with hfp how effective sustainability reporting can set you apart from the competition and create a deeper connection with your customers. We support you at every step of the implementation of your own control loop - across all relevant regulatory frameworks such as NFRD, CSRD and EU taxonomy. With the hfp Impact Manager, you can ensure that you meet future regulatory requirements and move from a pure recording and reporting approach to an impact-oriented management cycle for your sustainability goals.

Advantages of the hfp Impact Manager

Mapping of EU regulation

Mapping your Group structure

Audit efficiency through n:m relationships

Simplifies Group-wide collaboration

Context-sensitive audit workflow

Flexibly customizable

Seamless IT integration

100% Audit proof

Measure and achieve your sustainability goals

How Siemens AG masters the EU taxonomy with hfp

In less than a year, we developed and implemented the company-wide EU taxonomy management system for Siemens AG based on our no-code platform, the hfp Impact Manager. It takes over the task of technical assessment in the corporate reporting process. The product, project and service portfolios as well as relevant locations and suppliers of Siemens AG worldwide are evaluated in terms of eligibility and alignment and the associated sales, operating costs and investments are reported in the annual financial statements on this basis. For the first time, Siemens AG successfully carried out its EU taxonomy reporting for fiscal year 2023 using our software system.


One solution for all sustainability issues

Module overview of the hfp Impact Manager

Find out more about the various EU regulations and how you can implement them easily and efficiently with the hfp Impact Manager.



EU taxonomy

Are you ready for the transition to a green economy? The EU taxonomy defines what is truly 'green'. Find out how hfp Impact Manager can help your business navigate this new framework, optimize investments and achieve your sustainability goals. Discover our customized solutions around the EU taxonomy.

EU Taxonomy solution


CSRD – Corporate Sustainability Reporting

The world of sustainability reporting is evolving and CSRD is setting new standards. Our experts can help you untangle the complexity, create clear reports and build trust in your company through transparency. Find out how our comprehensive consulting services and our software solution, the hfp Impact Manager, can help you to cleanly map the CSRD requirements, such as the double materiality analysis and stakeholder engagement, and use them for your annual reports.

CSRD Solution


ESG - Mapping individual objectives

The hfp Impact Manager also helps you to measure, record and report on the basis of additional and individual frameworks, such as the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and company-specific target systems. 
Our consulting services offer you customized strategies to improve your ESG performance, manage risks and inspire investors. Explore how our ESG expertise can take your business to the next level.

ESG Solution


We have compiled a clear overview of the most important developments and upcoming dates in the area of sustainability reporting. The timeline ranges from the introduction of the NFRD and the national implementation via CSR-RUG in Germany to the implementation of the extended CSRD and the EU taxonomy. It is clear that the time window for meeting the deadlines is limited. Naturally, we are at your side to ensure timely implementation..

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What is the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy Regulation?

The CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) is a European Commission regulation aimed at improving the quality and consistency of corporate sustainability reporting. It expands the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and introduces new reporting requirements. The EU Taxonomy Regulation in turn creates a framework for classifying economic activities that contribute to environmental sustainability. It sets out criteria for determining whether an activity is environmentally sustainable and aims to promote sustainable investment.

Which companies are affected?

The EU Taxonomy Regulation currently requires listed companies with more than 500 employees to include their activities related to environmentally sustainable economic activities in their non-financial statement. "Green" turnover, capital expenditure and operating expenses are subject to reporting requirements. These reporting obligations will be extended to medium-sized and even small companies in the next two years.

When do the regulations for companies come into force?

The criteria include the activity's contribution to mitigating or adapting to climate change as well as compliance with the "do no significant harm" principle and minimum social safeguards.
From the 2024 financial year (reporting in 2025), large capital market-oriented companies must also report on activities that contribute to the other four objectives of the EU taxonomy (sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, prevention and reduction of pollution, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems) and that are in line with the DNSH criteria and the minimum social safeguards.

What are the main objectives of the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy Regulation?

The CSRD aims to increase the transparency and accountability of companies on sustainability issues, while the EU taxonomy is intended to prevent greenwashing by providing investors and companies with a clear definition of "sustainable".

What reporting obligations exist under the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy Regulation?

Under CSRD, companies must report on sustainability issues such as environmental rights, social rights, human rights, and governance factors. The EU Taxonomy requires companies to report the proportion of their activities deemed sustainable according to its criteria.

What are the biggest challenges for companies in complying with these regulations?

The challenges include understanding the complex criteria, collecting and processing the necessary data and integrating sustainability into core business strategies. Companies also need to keep pace with evolving standards and regulations.

How does the EU Taxonomy Regulation define sustainable economic activities?

Sustainable activities within the meaning of the EU taxonomy are those that make a significant contribution to one or more environmental objectives, do not cause significant harm to other environmental objectives and fulfill a minimum level of social guarantees.

How can companies bring their reporting into line with the requirements of the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy Regulation?

Companies can align their reporting by conducting thorough sustainability assessments, conducting consistent data collection and analysis, and implementing internal policies that reflect the regulation's criteria.

What are the potential benefits for companies of complying with the CSRD and the EU Taxonomy Directive?

The benefits include greater investor confidence, improved market reputation, better risk management and alignment with global sustainability goals, which can lead to greater long-term profitability and resilience.